A beloved piece of Disney magic has disappeared from the skyline of Hollywood Boulevard at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The animated neon Pluto, a fan-favorite that once graced the top of Pluto’s Toy Palace, is no longer lighting up the night sky.
A Nostalgic Absence
For years, the cheerful yellow neon outline of Mickey’s faithful canine companion has been a beacon for guests strolling down Hollywood Boulevard. Perched atop the Pluto’s Toy Palace merchandise location, this animated sign added a touch of classic Hollywood glamour to the park’s entrance area.
Recent images show a stark change to the facade of Pluto’s Toy Palace. The rooftop, once home to the glowing Pluto figure, now stands empty against the sky. The vertical “Pluto’s Toy Palace” sign remains, still illuminating the street with its vibrant blue and red neon letters.
Part of a Larger Refurbishment Trend
While the removal of the Pluto neon sign may disappoint many fans, it’s likely part of a ongoing refurbishment trend at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Over the past few years, several iconic neon signs throughout the park have undergone refreshes.
The Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant, for instance, recently saw its neon signs removed and then returned after refurbishment. Both the derby hat-shaped sign on the roof and the sign on the chimney were temporarily taken down for maintenance.
Similarly, the Legends of Hollywood store on Hollywood Boulevard had its neon signage stripped as part of an exterior refurbishment project. These examples suggest that Pluto’s absence may be temporary, with the beloved character potentially returning with a fresh, vibrant glow.
Looking Ahead
As we await news of any upcoming changes or the return of the neon Pluto, guests can still enjoy the classic Hollywood atmosphere of the street. The remaining neon signs and Art Deco architecture continue to transport visitors to the golden age of Tinseltown.
Fans and frequent visitors will no doubt keep a close eye on this spot, eager to see what Disney imagineers might have in store for this prime location on Hollywood Boulevard. However, if past refurbishments are any indication, the return of a refreshed and rejuvenated Pluto neon sign could be just around the corner, ready to delight Disney fans once again.
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